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Sustainability & Conservation
Diemersdal Wine Estate
Vineyards on Diemersdal are farmed to regenerative methods, with the natural irrigation complemented by the planting of cover-crops between the wines to create an ecosystem for natural insect-life and to draw carbon into the soil. Diemersdal was the first wine farm in the Durbanville wine region to achieve WWF Conservation Champion status. This unique wine initiative, managed by the World Wide Fund for Nature and unique to the Cape winelands, underscores the local wine industry’s commitment to conservation, the close relationship between wine farmers and their natural environment, and the indigenous natural setting where the country’s wines are made.

Our Commitment
To Preservation & Conservation
Diemersdal’s emphatic conservation credentials include its preservation of a 16.8ha conservation area on one of the farms pristine hills on which a number of scarce renosterveld plant species are found. This conservation area spans the Dorsberg, the most northern hill range within the Tygerberg cluster. The vegetation type of the conservation area is Swartland Shale Renosterveld, currently the most threatened ecosystem in the country, having lost more than 90% of its original extent and for this reason bearing Critically Endangered Status.
During September 2020 the property was visited, and a basic plant survey was done. During this botanical scan, 38 species of flowering plants were recorded. The list is still very preliminary, and it is likely that at least 200 species still occur in this area. The most interesting find was a small population of Endangered Oxalis strigose, as well as Geissorhiza erosa (also Endangered).
Conservation & Sustainable Production
Diemersdal Wine Estate is a proud member of the following organisations:

WWF Conservation Champion
Diemersdal Wine Estate has become the latest WWF Conservation Champion. This is a select group of 42 South African wine farms who have met the programme’s stringent requirements, thereby proving themselves to be leaders of nature conservation and sustainable wine production. Diemersdal signed a 10 year biodiversity agreement with Cape Nature to establish a 16.8 hectare conservation area. This conservation area spans the Dorsberg, the most northern hill range within the Tygerberg cluster, within the city’s bioregional plan, the Biodiversity Network.

Integrated production of wine complies with international wine industry environmental sustainability criteria.

A globally recognised GFSI food safety manufacturing programme.

Multi-stakeholder, non-profit, voluntary organisation which actively promotes ethical trade in the wine industry value chain through training, technical assessment and audits to assess members’ compliance with its code of good practice.

Carbon Heroes
Through this digital recognition platform, we celebrate the Carbon Heroes taking part in the Confronting Climate Change (CCC) Initiative for their considerable effort in calculating and understanding their carbon emissions. You are making a positive contribution to mitigating climate change!

In a unique partnership between the conservation sector and the South African Wine Industry, wine producers are setting aside hectares of natural veld for conservation. So far more than 112 000ha of natural veld have been set aside and farmers have adapted their farming methods to produce more sustainably. There are currently 112 members, 13 champions and 10 co-operative cellar members involved with this project.